Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oh shit! What now!?

Well, nothing interesting, but I did fart around the Nye Beach district of Newport today. It is akin to Alki Beach in Seattle. There are some local artisan shops involving both food and touristy goods. I did not get images of all the shops cause they were not that interesting to me. Here are a few shots of the town and of the ocean.

Newport Chowder Bowl. I had some food there. It was standard fare.


Fish 'n' chips at Newport Chowder Bowl


The evil ones at work.


Nana's Irish Pub in the Nye Beach district. I met some interesting folks here. Mostly local sailors and one guy that had one tooth. I said hi to him and he said "frrsh ya bllee bllee... garryya slooghh!" I was hoping he was a hallucination because I turned away for a second and he was gone and replaced by a tray of marinating beef. No lie. That actually happened. The barmaid saw the pic of the beef on my camera and told me to delete it, so I did. I was freaked out.


So, I turn back from taking the pic of the beef/sabertoothed-man and I find this on the counter in front of me. And all I had done by now was ordered a pint of mother's milk, which is the second pic. Very fucking odd. Very.



So I go take a piss and come back and the freaking state of Utah is on the bar! I told the sailor next to me I had to leave. I think he was an otter, though. It was a long day.


I left the bar and went around the corner and ran into Tinky Winky's pirate vessel! Holy crap! This turned out to be QUITE THE DAY!


I am exhausted now. But tomorrow I share sneaky RV insight with you... AND... more pics of the beach and shit!

Night night.

Oh real quick, I caught a peek of Althea taking a pee today. I know it is naughty, but here it is...


THAT is all...

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